It doesn't matter how well your brand is positioned or how good was
the lead generation

If your sales closing rate is poor, the marketing efforts are of no use

For us at Cliento, any project should be measured with sales results

To bring innovation to the commercial process and maximize success in closing sales, at Cliento we
work on 3 key aspects:

  • Sales team training
  • Incorporation of digital technology
  • Business process optimization

Our solution to keep improving your sales closing ratio has a lot to do with the potential that decisions based on data can provide, hand in hand with the understanding of psychology and human behavior.



Having a Martech (marketing technology) platform that allows you to see the status of each of your prospects and clients in real time, from any mobile device, is the golden dream of any modern company.

At Cliento we have evolved with the use of CRM platforms until we found Hubspot, the best platform today.

Through Hubspot we align marketing activities with sales activities and give the commercial process greater visibility, this is the beginning of a robust process that facilitates success in closing sales.

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Sales Enablement

Sales Enablement

This is a very innovative practice in the world of sales and marketing, which is gaining strength every day in companies that seek excellence in the management of their commercial process.

Sales Enablement refers to the set of actions that need to be implemented in the sales team to facilitate a valuable conversation with prospects and customers and help them move through their buying cycle.

The goal of Sales Enablement is to prepare your sales team with the necessary knowledge...

  • Specific to the situation of each sale
  • At the right time
  • In the right place
  • Customized to the client's needs

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Growth Marketing

Growth Marketing

It is becoming more and more common to hear terms such as: "Growth Hacking" or even "Chief Growth Officer”. In the world of startups (Silicon Valley) a few years ago it became fashionable to talk about growth and not so much about sales.

However, unlike the concept of hacking, Growth Marketing is nothing more than data-driven marketing, applied in the strategic process of generating demand.

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For all companies that carry out online transactions, the closing of sales has a low level of human relationship (at least that is what is preferred) therefore an extra effort is required in the content and in general in the user experience (UX ) of the websites.

At Cliento, we help eCommerce projects to increase their sales closing through content marketing, growth marketing and the implementation of automation and CRM platforms.

Learn more about digital marketing on our Blog

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